October 16, 2012 11:50 AM CDT
At the Vice-Presidential Debate, on Health Care and Tax Reform, Biden Invented His Own Facts →
How do you debate a guy who makes everything up on the fly?
I’d like to discuss the substance of the debate on health care and tax reform, where Joe Biden told one whopper after another in an attempt to help President Obama regain lost campaign momentum.
I was arguing with the TV when VP Biden was making up these facts. The more you know about policy, the more of a buffoon the VP is.
- Contra Biden, Senator Ron Wyden does still support the Wyden-Ryan Medicare reform plan.
- Contra Biden, the CBO determined that Medicare wouldn't save any money by negotiating drug prices .
- Contra Biden, Obamacare did cut $716 billion from Medicare and probably will cause 1 in 6 hospitals to go under and cause 15% of Medicare doctors to stop taking Medicare patients.
- Contra Biden, 7.4 million seniors are expected to lose access to Medicare Advantage once the Obamacare changes are fully phased in, in 2014.
This entry was tagged. Debates Healthcare Policy Paul Ryan President2012